RVs turn every camping trip into a camping experience, but you never quite know what will happen on your trips. Sometimes, whether there’s an accident or you just missed a maintenance visit, your RV needs a bit of care before you can get it to a service department. We here at Allan Dale Trailers & RVs want to help you be prepared for anything, so we’ve put together some tips for repairing your RV on the road. To learn more, or to see the RVs we have for sale, contact our stores in Red Deer and Edmonton, Alberta, today!

Pre-Drive Inspections

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so make sure to inspect your RV carefully before heading out on the road. Check the tires, your fluid levels, and anything else you think might create a headache for you on your drive. If you do see a problem, don’t press your luck—get it looked at as soon as possible. If you can’t get it to a maintenance professional, consider calling one out to you.

Roadside Assistance

It’s always easier to get help when you’ve arranged for it in advance. We recommend having a roadside assistance number to call when things get sticky. It can be tempting to try and avoid fees and hassle, but there are issues you can’t solve with a toolkit and willpower, and sometimes that can be a matter of safety. If you have roadside assistance for your commuter vehicle, let the company know you have an RV as well so they can plan accordingly. 

Emergency Budgeting

Of course, that does cost money, so try to have some emergency funds worked into your travel budget. You can’t always predict when a breakdown is going to happen, so try to avoid leaving home without an emergency budget.

The Right Tools

That said, sometimes there are issues you absolutely can solve on your own, so long as you have the right supplies. You’ll need basics like spare tires and jacks, but might want to upgrade your toolkit so it includes a hacksaw, vice grips, side cutter pliers, wire strippers, and other tools for electrical work. Duct tape, of course, is a staple of the engineering world, as is WD-40. 

Remember to check your owner’s manual to see if it has any specific needs that will require specialized tools, like specific nuts and bolts or recommended chemical cleaners. 

We hope these tips help you and yours stay safe and on schedule during your next adventure! If you have any questions, need maintenance assistance, or just want to see the RVs we have in stock, contact us at Allan Dale Trailers & RVs. We proudly serve the people of Alberta—let us serve you today!